SNOW…. The at home teeth whitening system!

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Baby Teeth Vs. Permanent Teeth

Often baby teeth either get taken for granted or they are believed to be small versions of permanent teeth. There are however, multiple differences between baby teeth and permanent teeth including their appearance and makeup.

The Composition of a Tooth

The human teeth have three layers and a centrally located pulp within them. The three layers are: enamel, dentin and cementum.

How Your Smile Can Give You A Happy Life

Your mile is unique only to you. It not only gives you your unique look, but it also can help you have a happier life through increased job opportunities, more friends, a positive attitude and better health.

What’s in Your Mouthwash?

Most mouthwashes are considered therapeutic mouthwashes. These mouthwashes are geared to treat dental health conditions and contain many antibacterial, flavor enhancing and emulsifying ingredients.

Does Going to the Dentist Make You Nervous?

So many people get very stressed at the thought of going to the dentist and having dental work done and this is something that I totally understand. I have solved the problem for myself – and others – and want to share that information seeing as dentists play an import part in our health.

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